Music Enrichment
Our successful summer holiday journeys continue...
April 15th to 18th 2019
Dates: 15th to 18th April, 9am to 3pm (for Primary Students), 9am to 1pm (for Secondary Students and Adults)
Fees: Whole 4 day program $340 (Primary) or $200 (Secondary & Adults)
Family Discounts: TBA
Another wonderful primary program, with 3 days of days of singing, ukulele, listening and responding to music, making an instrument, percussion ensemble and of course boomwhacking!
For the older ones, catch up on your theory (music craft), learn to compose your own music and play in a scratch ensemble!
As always, there are limited places in our programs so contact us quickly to secure your participation.
Boom! History - Photos and more...
Boom! History - 2014
Boom! History - Photos and more... 2015
Boom! History - Photos and more... 2016
Boomwhacking at ACTAM - this video is from our summer holiday program BOOM! in 2016. We will shortly be announcing our theme for this coming summer and the program will run from 16th to 20th January.
Boom! History - Photos and more... 2012
Photos are on the way...
Boom! History - Photos and more... 2013
Photos are on the way...