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Welcome to ACTAM's newest addition - learning music online!

In this current climate we are all challenged to look at new ways to educate and at ACTAM we are moving quickly to provide quality options for our students.

Individual Lessons
We are now back to lessons in person, however video lessons remain an option for all students. We recommend that if students or their family members are ill that they choose a video lesson to keep us all safe. 

Instructional Videos
We are proud of our new library of videos which are available by monthly subscription which gives you full access. These videos are produced by our own ACTAM teachers and the library is growing all the time. Here you will be able to study all the elements for Music Craft exams, practice your aural skills for practical exams and see the instrumental teachers provided practice and technical tips. You can see one sample video below.

Music Craft Videos
These videos are intended primarily for students working towards AMEB Music Craft exams. They supplement the AMEB Music Craft Student Workbooks, providing the kind of guidance you would expect during face-to-face lessons with a teacher of theory and aural skills.

Students my choose to watch the videos for the earlier grades without purchasing the workbooks for that grade, then purchase the workbooks for the grade exam they wish to attempt. The videos explain all the material for each grade except instruments and set works.

The videos are best viewed in the order in which they are presented on the website because of the frequent cross-reference back and forth, including between grades. These videos are recorded in the ACTAM Concert Space, with a whiteboard placed in front of the grand piano. The instruction is mostly verbal, with terms and music notation written on the whiteboard, and occasional sound samples that I either sing or play on the piano.

Subscriptions start from the 1st of each month but you can join any time. 
All subscribers can access our online contents here with their monthly password:

© 2015 by ACT Academy of Music

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